鄉土旅游與鄉村振興 Local tourism and Rural Revitalization 鄉土旅游綜合體--鄉土旅游與產業發展雙引擎 Local tourism complex -- two engines of local tourism and industrial development JDSL九地景觀做為“鄉土旅游綜合體” 首創者和實踐者,倡導原鄉原味營建鄉土景觀,秉承文化根植鄉土,旅游產業助推地方經濟發展、以鄉土旅游與產業發展雙引擎助力鄉村振興;提供前期策劃、規劃設計、營造建設、投資運營全過程服務。 鄉土旅游綜合體是在總結鄉土景觀與旅游產業發展中提出的九地建設模式 As the initiator and practitioner of "local tourism complex", jdsl jiudi landscape advocates the original construction of local landscape, adheres to the culture of local roots, promotes local economic development by tourism industry, promotes rural revitalization by local tourism and industrial development double engines, and provides the whole process services of preliminary planning, planning and design, construction, investment and operation. The rural tourism complex is a nine place construction mode put forward in summarizing the development of rural landscape and tourism industry